Best Time to Visit Annapurna Circuit Trek

2022-12-27 | Published By: Bold Himalaya

Trek through the Annapurna Circuit to witness the splendor of the Nepalese Himalayas. The distinction of being the tenth-highest peak in the world belongs to Annapurna. Deep gorges, barren high mountain routes, amazing viewpoints, hot springs, Buddhist and Hindu temples, beautiful farming communities, and breathtaking views of the Annapurna peaks are just a few of this trek's most breathtaking characteristics.

The cultural variety of the Annapurna region is as diverse as its natural richness. The Gurung, Magar, Thakali, and Loba people of the region will welcome you with the utmost hospitality. Subtropical jungles, rice fields, and the deepest river gorge in the world give way to ice flows, a high mountain pass, dry rocks, and mountain views along this path.

Annapurna Circuit Trek Best Time of the Year: Best View

Highlights and Best Time for of Annapurna Circuit Trek

Views of Mt. Annapurna, Thorung Peak, Nilgiri, Chulu West, Chulu East, Tukuche Peak, Dhaulagiri, Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II, and Annapurna IV are breathtaking.
Gorgeous waterfalls, deep canyons, and magnificent lakes

Visit Muktinath, a holy site for both Buddhists and Hindus.

Generally speaking, the best times to go on the Annapurna Circuit Trek are in the spring (March, April, and May) and fall (September, October, and November), but each season has its benefits. For inexperienced hikers, October, November, March, April, and May are the best months to trek the Annapurna Circuit.

Below is a list of good seasons and an explanation of why they are nice during these times.

Spring Season For Annapurna Circuit Trek(March, April, and May)

Spring Season is one of the most beautiful seasons of all is springtime. Beautiful flowers blooming, the development of new vegetation, and brilliant blue skies during the Spring season immediately lift one's spirits.

Regarding the Annapurna Circuit trek in the spring, it is one of the most coveted times of the year, and between 25 and 30 percent of people make the journey during this time.

It occurs when there is little to no rain, the temperature is moderate, or when it is not excessively hot or cold outside.

Additionally, this is the time when you can hike and take in the stunning scenery of the several intriguing locations on the circuit.


The first month of the friendliest Spring season, March is regarded as one of the best for visiting the Annapurna Circuit. Flowers and greenery are in season right now. Oak and rhododendron trees predominately cover the hills and landscape. By making the environment warmer, winter gradually departs from the atmosphere.

The likelihood of snowfall and rainfall is low in a mild environment. In the lower region, the daytime temperature often ranges from 4°C to -8°C. However, during midday, the temperature can rise to 10°C. You must be dressed warmly because the temperature gets colder at dusk and sunrise. March's weather is pretty pleasant with vistas of snow-capped mountains and wooded trees covered with flowers.


Even in April, spring is spreading a warm atmosphere. Another popular month for the Annapurna Circuit hike is April. It is simple to trek on the extensive pathways of the Annapurna Circuit with the brilliant sun shining through the clouds. All around, there are unobstructed vistas of mountains. As a result, the paths are crowded with hikers.

Higher regions typically experience daily temperatures between 8°C and -4°C in April. The lower portions, however, are significantly warmer, with a temperature of 20°C. As usual, the nights are still chilly. As a result, you must pack warm clothing for your travels this month.


May offers nice weather for hiking since it is the final month of the spring season. In higher altitudes, the norm ranges from 14°C to 0°C. Furthermore, the lower region's temperature ranges from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius, making it comfortable for walking. By the way, this one is the hottest of the spring months.

The average nighttime temperature is 5°C, which is a little colder. This circuit's highest pass, Thorung La Pass, also happens to be the coldest place this month. Views of the mountains may be obstructed by clouds that are nearby. At the end of May, there won't be much rain. Therefore, wearing waterproof boots, coats, and pants while hiking this month is preferable.

Tips for Annapurna Circuit Trekking in Spring

  • If you are trekking at the beginning of March, bring warm clothing.

  • In early March, you might even still see some snow on the trail. While hiking, exercise caution.

  • The Annapurna region heats up in late Spring. Perhaps little rainfall in the lower elevation of the mountain  Bring the proper rain gear.

  • Make your hospitality reservations in advance.

Autumn Season for Annapurna Circuit Trek(September, October & November)

The three months of autumn (September, October, and November) have three different weather patterns. Early Autumn is when the post-monsoon season weather occurs. The Annapurna region may still have rain in early September.

You might still encounter wet pathways and a humid climate while hiking at this time. As in the monsoon, there is a chance that it may rain at night. The weather from mid-September to mid-November is considered stable weather.

The likelihood of precipitation and snowfall is lowest during this time. The nights and days are both crystal clear and lovely. The temperature is mild both during the day and at night.

Pre-Winter weather is when the temperature in the Annapurna region begins to decline and inch closer to the wintertime level. As autumn draws to a close, this weather occurs. The location gets colder as the temperature drops both during the day and at night.

Best Time View of Annapurna Circuit Trek


September marks the start of the starting month of the autumn season. The weather becomes increasingly sunny and clear as autumn approaches. However, the first few weeks of September will see little precipitation. By mid-September, the monsoon will have passed.

From the middle of the month, autumn announces it's coming by turning nature crystalline. When the rain stops, the temperature begins to drop, from about 17°C to 4°C. The midday temperature is close to 4°C at Thorong La Pass (5416m), the highest point of the expedition.

As the first month of the fall season, there may be some cloudy mountain vistas that are unsettling. The monsoon rains will however saturate the terrain. The views of the landscape are crystal clear and appealing. With each passing day, the weather begins to improve. Late September brings beautiful skies and pleasant walking weather.


For an Annapurna Circuit Trek, October is ideal. When there are no or few raindrops, the climate becomes more precise and consistent. All during the month, there were gorgeous mountain views with no clouds in front of the summits.

The pleasant, sunny weather makes the pathways comfortable to walk on. With an average daily temperature of 15°C, the lower portions of the course are primarily warm. Greater amounts of cold are experienced in higher altitude regions than in lower ones. Nighttime and early morning hours are extremely cold.

On the other hand, during October, more upper regions are close to the freezing point. And at night, it drops to -7 or -8 degrees Celsius. Compared to the other locations on the circuit, the Thorong La Pass is even colder. Therefore, packing some warm, thick clothing in your backpack is advised. Visitors from all over the world are drawn to the warm, sunny days of October.

They all hear about the stunning, untainted views of the Himalayas and travel there to see them. Thus, the Annapurna flourished with a large number of visitors throughout this month.


The end of November marks the end of the autumnal season. Trekking in Nepal is also wonderful in November. November's climate and conditions are quite similar to those of October. November still has days with clear blue skies and warm sun.

The absence of precipitation and snowfall makes this a trouble-free month. In the Annapurna Circuits, the daytime high this month is 15 °C. The temperature at night is between -7°C and -8°C. However, that is the norm; higher passes like Thorung La Pass (5,415 m) are still cold. Around Thorung La Pass, temperatures can fall as low as -5°C.

There is a discernible change in temperature between daytime and nighttime. Up until late November, everything is fine, but then the weather here starts to get colder. Carrying warm, heavy thermal clothing is, therefore, necessary during this month.

Tips for Annapurna Circuit Trekking in Autumn

  • Sometimes there may be rain in early September and don't forget to bring rain gears

  • Late November may experience snowfall, as a precaution don't forget to bring Crampons and Gaters

  • Bring nighttime warm clothing that is lightweight.

Winter (December, January, February) (Feasible Season)

The Thorong La Pass, which is on the Annapurna Circuit Trek route, is located at an elevation of 5416 meters 17769ft. At the top of the pass, the weather is constantly changing. The past experiences extremely cold temperatures because of its high altitude.

The result is snowy weather in the past. The pass remains buried beneath the enormous snowdrifts and is therefore inaccessible by foot. For this winter season, we recommend Annapurna Circuit Trek if there is good weather and no heavy snow on trekking routes.

The upper elevations of the trek will also experience significant snowfall if you go on it in the winter. In most cases, severe blizzards may occur as the snow falls. To avoid the bleak winter, even some residents of the higher elevations move to the lower elevations. 

Annapurna Circuit Trek after Snow Fall

Tips for Annapurna Circuit Trek in Winter (December, January, and February) 

  • Snowfall can happen at any in winter so don't forget to pack snow gear such as Microspikes (Crampons), Gaiter Vacuum Flask

  • Bing Extra layers of warm clothes good down jackets, gloves 

  • Trek carefully in the snow 

  • Check the weather before heading to trek 

Monsoon (June, July and August) for Annapurna Circuit Trek (Low-season)

During the monsoon, it typically rains through the night and into the following morning. The trails become too wet and slick during the monsoon since it rains so frequently. The water levels in the rivers, streams, and waterfalls also increase as a result of the monsoon rain.

There is a potential that you will get bitten by a leech while you hike through the bush at a lower altitude. Other summer insects, such as mosquitoes, are also present on the trails along with the leeches. You must bring some bug spray with you. Additionally, there are several areas of the trail where you need to exercise particular caution due to avalanche and landslide threats.

You may need to remove your shoes in some spots because the trail is flooded by streams. While trekking the Annapurna Circuit during the monsoon, crossing the pass is the actual obstacle. Due to the muddy and slippery paths, it will be quite difficult.

An overview of the temperature variation and rainfall at Thorong La Pass (the highest altitude place in the Annapurna circuit trek) during each month is provided in the table below. 

The Annapurna Circuit trek is most feasible during late spring (specifically First June) and early autumn, starting from mid-August onwards.

Annapurna Circuit Trek in Monsoon

During the rainy season if there is hardly any rain beginning (First of June) and ending (Last of August) we can go for a trek if the weather is very good for the week or else go trekking to the Himalayas rain shadow Upper Mustang and Dolpo where fewer chances of rain.

Temperature of Annapurna Circuit Route

Average Temperature and Rainfall of Annapurna Circuit Trek for the whole year


Temperature ℃


Temperature ℃



















































Last Conclusion

You can never be certain that the weather will be ideal in the mountains. Even if you travel during the finest months, the temperature and weather in the Annapurna region change as you ascend.

The Thorong La pass, the highest point on this route, has some of the most unpredictable weather. As a result, you must constantly be well-prepared with the right training and equipment.

Additionally, you need to stay informed about the current weather patterns along the route. Additionally, we advise you to trek with an experienced guide because they will look out for you and assist you in difficult circumstances.