Photography Tours in Nepal

2023-02-15 | Published By: Bold Himalaya

Through engaging and distinctive photography excursions to Nepal, photographers may capture the mesmerizing beauty and rich cultural history of this enchanted nation. The landlocked nation of Nepal, located in South Asia, boasts some of the most stunning natural features on earth, including the towering Himalayan Mountains, rolling hills, lush jungles, and peaceful rivers. The place is the ideal setting for photographers.
Its culture is also deeply rooted in tradition, with colorful celebrations of festivals throughout the year and ongoing preservation of long-forgotten practices and rituals. From the snowcapped peaks of the Everest region to the commercial capital Kathmandu, the diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique way of life in Nepal offer an endless array of subjects to photograph. This location will give you the inspiration you need to take genuinely spectacular pictures, whether you want to capture locals going about their daily lives, the wildness' natural beauty, or the country's rich history and traditions.

Photography Tours in Nepal | Best Guided Adventure Photography Tours to Nepal

Reasons to do Photography Tours in Nepal

Stunning Landscapes:

Nepal is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, including the towering peaks of the Himalayan mountains, rolling hills, lush jungles, tranquil rivers, and much more. A photography tour in Nepal offers the opportunity to capture these stunning natural wonders through the lens of your camera.

Diverse Subjects:

From the majestic hills to the lively cities, the varied landscapes, rich cultural legacy, and distinctive way of life in Nepal offer an unending variety of subjects for photographers. There is something for every kind of photographer in Nepal, whether you're interested in documenting local culture, the outdoors' natural beauty, or the nation's rich history and customs.

Unique Experience:

A photography tour in Nepal is a unique and thrilling experience that will challenge your skills and awaken your creative spirit. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture the beauty of one of the world's most stunning countries and create memories that will last a lifetime.


A wide variety of animals, including rare and exotic species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, can be found in Nepal. With the help of a photography tour, it is possible to take magnificent and one-of-a-kind photos of these amazing species in their natural settings. Famous locations for photographing Nepal's rich wildlife include Chitwan National Park and Annapurna Conservation Area.

Learn About the Culture and History of Nepal:

Along with capturing pictures, a photography tour in Nepal gives visitors the chance to learn about the country's past and present. You will have the chance to visit old villages, learn about historic temples, and partake in the spectacular cultural festivities that take place all year round. By gaining a deeper grasp of the country's rich cultural heritage, you'll be able to take photographs that are not just visually stunning but also meaningful and culturally significant.

Supporting Local Communities:

By visiting and capturing images in communities worldwide, photographers can help raise awareness of their unique cultures, customs, and ways of life. As tourists spend money on lodging, dining, and other local services, photography excursions can also have a direct economic influence on nearby communities. This could benefit the local economy, lead to job growth, and raise living standards for locals. Local communities might find inspiration from photography tours, which give them a stage on which to present their culture and way of life to a larger audience. This can promote a stronger feeling of community and increase pride in one's cultural background.


Photography can be a powerful tool for promoting mindfulness because it requires focus and attention to detail. When on a photography tour, photographers must be mindful of their surroundings, paying close attention to light, composition, and other elements that contribute to a great photograph. This requires a level of concentration and presence that can help to clear the mind of distractions and negative thoughts, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace. In addition, photography tours often take place in beautiful and serene locations, providing a natural environment for practicing mindfulness.

Popular Photography Destinations in Nepal

Kathmandu Valley

Due to its vibrant and culturally diverse atmosphere, Kathmandu is well known for its varied photographic opportunities. There are many UNESCO World Heritage monuments in the city, including historic temples, palaces, and intricate wood carvings, which make stunning photographic subjects. Kathmandu also has a worldwide reputation as the “city of temples” and hence presents great options for temple photography.

The Himalayas and breathtaking landscapes surround the Kathmandu Valley, providing the opportunity to photograph stunning mountain panoramas, sunrises, and sunsets. Kathmandu is a photographer's dream, from the busy streets and exciting cultural festivals to the old temples and traditional architecture. Numerous famous sites in the city, like the Pashupatinath Temple, Swayambhunath Stupa, and Durbar Square, provide a multitude of options for taking beautiful pictures.

Bhaktapur and Patan, both located in the Kathmandu Valley, are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and are known for their well-preserved traditional Newari architecture. These cities are home to several traditional streets, and bustling markets, providing a wealth of opportunities for capturing stunning images.

Everest Base Camp

Located in the Sagarmatha National Park at a height of 5,364 meters, Everest Base Camp is a well-liked location for photographers to visit in Nepal. With the mighty peaks of the Himalayas, including Mount Everest, towering over the valley, the vistas from Everest Base Camp are truly awe-inspiring.

Photographers can capture images of the towering peaks, vast glaciers, and rolling hills, providing a visual representation of the raw beauty of the natural world. The local culture is one more factor that makes Everest Base Camp a well-liked photographic location. The Sherpas, who have their rituals and traditions, are an essential component of Himalayan culture, and photographs of them offer a visual portrayal of the area's rich cultural legacy.

Wildlife photography enthusiasts should visit Everest Base Camp. The national park is home to a wide variety of animals, such as the Himalayan Tahr, Snow Leopard, and other species of birds, providing an opportunity for taking beautiful pictures of wildlife in their natural environments.

Bardiya National Park

Bardiya National Park, located in the western lowlands of Nepal, is a top photography destination for those interested in capturing the diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes of Nepal.

The park covers an area of 968 square kilometers and is home to several rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, making it a must-visit destination for nature and wildlife photographers. The park is particularly renowned for its population of Bengal tigers, which can be elusive and difficult to spot in the wild but offer a stunning subject for wildlife photography.

Other notable species in the park include Asian elephants, one-horned rhinoceroses, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species, including the endangered Bengal florican. Moreover, Bardiya National Park is also home to over 350 species of birds, including several rare and endangered species such as the Bengal florican, the sarus crane, and the great hornbill. The park's diverse landscapes also provide ample opportunities for landscape photography.

The park encompasses several types of terrain, including riverine forests, grasslands, and savannahs. The Karnali River, which runs through the park, provides a stunning subject for river and sunset photography, while the park's grasslands and savannahs offer a unique and striking subject for landscape photography.


One of the main reasons that Pokhara is such a popular destination for photographers is its stunning mountain landscapes. With the Annapurna range and the Himalayas towering over the city, the vistas from Pokhara are truly awe-inspiring. Photographers can capture images of the towering peaks, vast glaciers, and rolling hills, providing a visual representation of the raw beauty of the natural world.

Pokhara's extensive cultural heritage is another factor in the city's popularity as a photographic location. Numerous antique temples, charming streets, and active marketplaces can be found in the city, which offers a plethora of options for photographing the local way of life and distinctive architecture.

Pokhara is also a fantastic location to take pictures of wildlife. The Annapurna Conservation Area, which encircles the city, is home to a variety of wildlife, such as the Himalayan Tahr, Snow Leopard, and other bird species, offering possibilities for taking beautiful pictures of wildlife in their natural settings.

Kanchenjunga Region

The Kanchenjunga region of Nepal is a top photography destination for photographers looking to capture stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and incredible mountain scenery. Located in the far east of Nepal, the Kanchenjunga region is home to the third highest peak in the world, Mount Kanchenjunga (8,586 meters), and a diverse range of natural and cultural beauty.

The region is known for its dramatic mountain scenery, with several peaks over 7,000 meters in height, as well as stunning valleys, glaciers, and waterfalls. The region also boasts several high-altitude lakes, including the beautiful Lake Pangpema, which provides a stunning photographic subject.

The Kanchenjunga region is also home to several ethnic communities, including the Limbu, Rai, and Sherpa people, each with their own unique culture and way of life. The region offers ample opportunities for portrait and documentary-style photography, capturing the daily life of these fascinating communities.

Chitwan National Park

One of the top national parks in Asia for animal observation and wildlife photography is Chitwan National Park, which is situated in the lowlands of the Terai region and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Photographers who want to take pictures of the distinctive flora and fauna of the area frequently travel there. There are numerous opportunities to capture wildlife in its natural habitat in the park, which is home to a vast range of animals, including the Bengal Tiger, One-horned Rhinoceros, Asian elephants, and other types of birds.

Photographers can interact closely with the local wildlife while on a wildlife safari, either from the safety of a jeep or while strolling. With its rolling lush forests and pristine rivers, Chitwan National Park is a visual representation of the raw beauty of the natural world. Photographers can capture images of the beautiful landscapes, and the vibrant and diverse ecosystems that the park is home to, providing a visual representation of the unique flora and fauna of the region.

Chitwan National Park is home to several ethnic communities, such as the Tharu people, who have a unique culture and traditional way of life. Photographers can capture images of the local communities, providing a visual representation of the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Manaslu Area

The Manaslu region, which is in the western part of Nepal, offers a diverse range of picturesque natural and cultural beauties, as well as chances to snap photographs of some of the most stunning Himalayan peaks and valleys. Mount Manaslu (8,156 meters), is the eighth-highest mountain in the world, several other significant peaks are found in the Manaslu Conservation Area. With its breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, alpine forests, and verdant valleys, the area is a photographer's dream.

In addition to its natural beauty, the Manaslu region is home to several ethnic communities, including the Gurung, Tamang, and Tibetan people each with their own unique culture and way of life. This provides ample opportunities for portrait and documentary-style photography, capturing the daily life of these fascinating communities. One of the highlights of the Manaslu region is the Tsum Valley, a hidden valley located to the east of the Manaslu Conservation Area.

This remote valley is home to several ancient monasteries, and mani walls, providing a unique and fascinating subject for photographers interested in cultural heritage and history.


As the birthplace of Lord Buddha, Lumbini is a well-known photographic location in Nepal because of its spiritual significance. Lumbini, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is situated in the Terai region's Rupandehi district, is regarded as one of the most significant Buddhist pilgrimage locations worldwide. Photographers are interested in capturing photos of the region's rich cultural heritage and religious significance as well.

One of the main reasons that Lumbini is such a popular destination for photographers is its rich cultural heritage. The birthplace of Lord Buddha is marked by the Mayadevi Temple, which houses a sacred pool and a stone statue of Maya Devi, the mother of Lord Buddha.

The temple is surrounded by numerous other temples and monasteries, built by various Buddhist countries and communities, providing a wealth of opportunities for capturing images of the rich cultural heritage of the region. Lumbini is also a great destination for architectural photography. With its unique blend of traditional and modern architecture, Lumbini offers a wealth of opportunities for capturing images of beautiful and historic buildings.

From the historic temples to the modern monasteries, Lumbini is a hub of architectural diversity, providing a wealth of opportunities for photographers to capture stunning images.

Langtang Region

Located in the Himalayan mountain range, the Langtang region is known for its breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, making it a top destination for landscape, portrait, documentary, and wildlife photography. The landscape of the Langtang region is stunning, with snow-capped peaks, glaciers, waterfalls, and colorful forests providing a stunning backdrop for photographers.

The region is home to several trekking routes, that offer opportunities to take stunning photographs of the surrounding mountains and valleys, picturesque villages, lush forests, and over high mountain passes. In addition to its stunning natural beauty, the Langtang region is also home to a rich cultural heritage.

There are several traditional villages and monasteries scattered throughout the region that provide ample opportunities for portrait and documentary-style photography. For example, the village of Kyanjin Gompa is famous for its Buddhist monastery, which is located at an elevation of 3,870 meters and offers a stunning view of the surrounding mountains.

Moreover, this place is also home to a variety of wildlife, including endangered species like the red panda and snow leopard. The Langtang National Park offers opportunities to capture wildlife photography in its natural habitat.

Types of Photography and Videography in Nepal

Landscape photography

From the snowcapped high Himalayan mountain range to the epic green lowlands, cascading waterfalls, pristine glacial lakes, and lush valleys, Nepal provides an unparalleled range of natural landscapes to explore and photograph.

Nepal is the only country in the world where you can capture the view of 8 mountains above 8000m and hundred of white mountains above 6000m despite being a small country well as an opportunity to capture stunning very much diverse landscape

Photographers can capture the towering peaks as they are bathed in the golden light of sunrise or sunset, or the ethereal glow of the moon and stars. The Annapurna range is famous for its lush green forests, while the Langtang range is known for its rocky terrain and alpine meadows. Other popular destinations for landscape photography in Nepal include the Pokhara Valley, Rara Lake, and the Gokyo Lakes. Nepal's rural countryside is full of rolling hills, terraced fields, and small villages that create a picturesque and serene landscape.

Wildlife Photography

Photographers can have a thrilling experience shooting wildlife in Nepal. The nation has many different types of plants and animals, including some of the rarest and most unusual creatures on earth. Wildlife photography options in Nepal are boundless, from the elusive Bengal tiger to the spectacular Himalayan snow leopard and the one-horned rhinoceros.

Trekking into wildlife areas or taking a guided safari through these areas is the simplest way to see these species. The natural habitats of the country's wildlife are protected in several national parks and conservation areas in Nepal. Some of the most well-liked places in Nepal for wildlife photography are Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Bardia National Park, and Chitwan National Park.

Culture and Heritage Site Photography

One of the best ways to capture Nepal's culture is to attend its festivals and ceremonies. Nepal celebrates numerous festivals throughout the year, each with its unique customs and traditions. The colorful and vibrant festivals, such as the Holi, Dashain, Tihar, and Teej, offer endless opportunities to capture the country's culture and traditions. You can capture the daily life of the Nepali people.

The colorful and vibrant markets, the bustling streets, and the traditional houses all provide interesting subjects for cultural photography. The traditional dress and customs of the people are also fascinating subjects for photography. Nepal's heritage sites showcase its long and diverse history, from ancient temples and palaces to ornate stupas and intricate carvings.

Kathmandu valley is home to seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the famous Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple, the Boudhanath Stupa, and the Pashupatinath Temple. Similarly, Lumbini and Janakpur are also important heritage sites in Nepal, and both offer unique opportunities for photography enthusiasts to capture stunning images that showcase the country's rich cultural heritage.

Lumbini, located in the southern Terai region of Nepal, is widely regarded as the birthplace of the Buddha and is home to several ancient monasteries and temples whereas Janakpur is a pilgrimage site for Hindus and is famous for its Janaki Temple, which is dedicated to the goddess Sita.

Drone Photography and videography

In recent years, drone photography and videography have grown in popularity in Nepal because of the nation's breathtaking natural beauty, varied landscapes, and rich cultural legacy. Drone photography provides a distinctive viewpoint that is not available with conventional photographic techniques, enabling breathtaking aerial images of mountains, woods, lakes, and temples.

The Himalayas in Nepal are one of the most well-liked locations for drone photography because they provide breathtaking vistas of the snow-capped peaks and lovely valleys below. Popular vantage places for taking aerial photographs of Mt. Everest and other summits include picturesque mountain passes and well-traveled trekking routes.

Another popular area for drone photography in Nepal is the Kathmandu Valley, which is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Boudhanath Stupa and the Swayambhunath Stupa. Aerial shots of these temples, as well as other historic landmarks and traditional neighborhoods, can provide a unique and beautiful perspective on the area's rich cultural heritage.

Filming Documentary in Nepal

Filming a documentary in Nepal can be an exciting and rewarding experience for filmmakers interested in capturing the country's unique culture, natural beauty, and social issues. Nepal is a diverse and vibrant country with a rich cultural heritage and a complex social and political landscape, making it an excellent subject for documentary filmmaking.

Nepal is known for its unique traditional music and dance, religious festivals, and a variety of folk arts and crafts. A documentary on Nepali culture and heritage could explore topics such as traditional farming practices, the role of women in Nepali society, or the architecture and design of traditional buildings.

When planning to film a documentary in Nepal, it is important to research the culture and customs of the region, as well as any social and political issues that may be relevant to your project. This will help you to better understand the context in which you are filming and to create a more informed and nuanced portrayal of the subject.

Necessary Equipments for Photography Tours

When embarking on a photography tour in Nepal, it's important to bring the right equipment to ensure that you can capture the best images possible. Here is a list of essential equipment that you should consider bringing with you:


A good quality camera is essential for capturing stunning images. Whether you choose a digital SLR or a mirrorless camera, make sure that it has good image quality and the ability to shoot in different lighting conditions.


Depending on your photography style and the type of subjects you want to shoot, you should consider bringing a variety of lenses. A wide-angle lens is ideal for capturing landscapes, while a telephoto lens is great for wildlife and bird photography.


A tripod is essential for shooting in low light conditions and for capturing stable images. It also helps you to keep your camera steady when taking long exposures.

Memory Cards and Batteries:

Make sure to bring extra memory cards and batteries to ensure that you have enough storage and power to capture all of your images.


Filters, such as polarizers and neutral density filters, can help you enhance your images' quality and control the amount of light entering the lens.


A flash can be helpful in low light conditions, and can also be used to add fill light to your images.

Protective Gear:

Protect your equipment from the elements by bringing a camera bag, lens cleaning cloths, and weather-resistant covers.

Portable Charger:

A portable charger can come in handy if you are away from power for an extended period.

First-Aid Kit:

It's always a good idea to bring a basic first-aid kit, especially if you are going on a trek or exploring remote areas.

Tips and Advice for Photography Tours

Here are some pointers and recommendations for Nepal photography tours:

Do some research before you go:

Do some study on the locations you'll be visiting and the kinds of photography opportunities they provide before you go. This will aid in your itinerary planning and equipment selection.

Respect local customs and traditions:

Because Nepal is a country with a diverse culture, it's crucial to do so when taking pictures. Be mindful of religious locations and ceremonies and refrain from photographing people without their consent.

Get to know your equipment:

Make sure you are familiar with your equipment and how it works before you depart for Nepal. This will help you to get the most out of your trip and avoid missing any important shots.

Plan your shots:

Think about the type of shots you want to capture and plan your itinerary accordingly. Consider the time of day, lighting conditions, and weather when planning your shots. Be patient: Photography is all about capturing the perfect moment, and this often takes time and patience. Don't rush your shots, take your time and wait for the right moment.

Take advantage of early morning and late evening light:

The soft, warm light during sunrise and sunset can create beautiful and unique images. Try to plan your shots during these times for the best results.

Experiment with different perspectives:

Try to capture images from different perspectives, such as shooting from a high or low angle, to create interesting and unique images.

Be respectful of wildlife:

If you're interested in wildlife photography, be sure to keep a safe distance from the animals and avoid disturbing their natural behavior.

Hire a local guide:

An excellent method to get the most out of your photography visit in Nepal is to hire a local guide. You can gain insider knowledge from a local guide and get assistance traveling to isolated and off-the-beaten-path locations.

Learn about the locals:

Getting to know the locals and discovering their culture might give your photos a new perspective. As long as you are nice and seek their permission first, don't be scared to approach individuals and ask to take their picture.

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Nepal Photography Tours FAQs

What tools will I require for a Nepal photography tour?

Depending on your own needs and tastes, you may want to carry a tripod, extra memory cards, and batteries, although most photographers prefer to bring a digital camera with interchangeable lenses. Filters, lenses, and other equipment that you frequently use for photography may also be useful to bring.

How physically demanding is a photography tour in Nepal? 

The level of physical demands of a photography tour in Nepal can vary greatly depending on the specific itinerary you choose. Some tours may involve hiking and trekking in remote areas, while others may be more leisurely and focus on cultural and architectural photography. It's important to consider your physical abilities and choose a tour that fits your needs.

Can an amateur photographer join in a photographic tour?

Yes, Nepal offers photography tours for all levels of photographers, from beginners to experts. There is a tour that will suit your needs and help you develop your talents, whether you are just starting or have years of expertise.

Will my Nepal photography tour include a local guide?

Yes, the local guide you receive from our firm will help you get around the nation and educate you on the history and culture of the sites you visit. They will also offer advice on the technical aspects of your photography and assist you in choosing the finest settings for taking pictures.

What season is ideal for traveling to Nepal to take pictures?

What you hope to photograph will determine the optimum time to travel to Nepal. As it can be challenging to capture images in the rain, the monsoon season, which lasts from June to September, is best avoided. The finest season to photograph the Himalayas is during the winter (December to February), while the spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November) are perfect for photographing the verdant woods and blooming vistas.